Eco Friendly

Eco Friendly

At Clearwater we strike the balance between providing comfortable pristine cottages under the pines, while giving back to our environment through green practices, minimizing our footprint on the earth. We do not use chemicals, fertilizers of pesticides on the property. Clearwater uses energy efficient light bulbs, low flow toilets and rain barrels to catch rain water for use in the gardens.

Under the Pines

Clearwater Lodges is nestled in the beautiful shade of a pine forest, lush with ferns and natural treasures. The Vinnicombes maintained the beautiful trees and natural shoreline from the beginning, without introducing fertilized lawns, which wash into the lake and damage to the ecology of the water. That orientation towards preservation continues, and the de Beers work closely with an arborist to maintain the health of the forest.

Wildlife Sanctuary

Clearwater’s property has been a wildlife sanctuary, which means a safe haven has been created for flora and fauna alike. We do not use any poisons, pesticides or harmful chemicals on the property, including green cleaning products. We have a bird list in the office for those who like to observe our feathered friends, and we are happy to show you some of the precious flora on the property if you would like to take a stroll. You may notice the beds of wildflowers natural to this area, which Andre has planted for our enjoyment and for food for the bees.

Recycling and Composting

Anyone who has stayed with us knows about the recycling polices that we have, and our guests are always conscientious about maintaining. Between the garden and the chickens, food scraps are either composted are cherished delicacies! All other recycled materials are separated and taken to our local transfer station to go onto new adventures.

Organic Vegetable & Herb Farming / Beekeeping / Organic Eggs and Raw Honey

We sell seasonal organic vegetables and herbs from the Clearwater garden, as well as organic eggs from happy free ranged chickens, that are fed nothing but the best (most especially, no antibiotics).

The Bee Story

As most people know, our honey bees have taken a turn for the worst the world over. This is due to several things, the most damaging of which is the use of pesticides and single crop farming, causing colony collapse disorder and a lack of food for the bees. The honey bee is directly linked to the survival of humans because of their roles as pollinators. Andre started beekeeping in 2013, not only to do his part for the bee population, but to also reap the benefits of raw honey for the treatment of allergies. He is happy to give you a tour and talk about the bees to anyone who is interested! We also have raw honey for sale, harvested right from the Clearwater hives.